A quote I’ve come to live by is one by Director Joe Dante, “Editing is where movies are made or broken. Many a film has been saved and many a film has been ruined in the editing room.” Editing a film fundamentally absurd at times, but I find it to be like my home; There are hardship and hurdles to face with every new project that comes through the door, but that is a learning experience that I can use down the road to make myself an even better editor than the day before. Editing is where I feel relaxed and content knowing that I am nurturing a work of art into its final form.
I find a distinct fascination on how the mind works when watching a film, how time seemingly slips away or ostensibly grows longer, how a viewer's eyes dart across the screen to focus on certain aspects of the frame, how the puzzle of a film can be cleverly put together to keep a viewer’s mind racing for what might be coming next. The study of how people react to things, and what they notice versus what the “formulaic” approach tells us one should notice is sometimes so vastly different that it adds an uncommon insight on what makes a movie interesting to the individual.
Generally, I work in a Narrative space but like to explore the ideas of Experimental components when they become relevant. The main genres I lean towards and focus on are drama, horror, and psychological thriller, as I find that the way my techniques and philosophies match with the ideologies and conventions that these genres bring. These mentalities stem from the stories I like to tell, hear, and understand the most. However, I do feel as if I’m adaptable enough to explore any genre that is thrown at me.
I’ve always had some aspect of video making be a main inspiration in my life, from having my first point and shoot camera to record short films with to teaching myself the ins and outs of a computer so that way I felt comfortable using whatever editing software I was accustomed to at the time. I’ve been living the film making process for as long as I can remember, always trying to further myself in my field, finding unconventional methods to troubleshoot problems that arise during the post-production process, and finding ways that I can create differently.
A film is created in three parts, when it is written, when it is shot, and when it is editing.
I am the last step.